Thanks and the global south
A note of appreciation from Raymond Bost, a former board member of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and more on African Christianity from Titus Presler, dean and president of the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas.
A new journey along an old road
Melinda Heppe explores the mysteries of the stations of the cross.
Drafting a statement of expectations
Tracy Schier explores the ins and outs of drafting statements of expectations for board members.
Uniting school and church at the center
Kevin W. Mannoia, dean of Haggard School of Theology of Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California, argues that centers can bridge the gap between seminaries and churches.
Canadian Anglicans settle in lawsuit
Canadian Anglicans reach settlement concerning Native residential schools; women show slight gains in board member representation; and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond receives payment on a $1 million pledge.
Conversations at the speed of light
C. Samuel Calian, president of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and Glenn Miller, Waldo Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Bangor Theological Seminary, trade comment and response in this new In Trust department.
A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide
A review
Title: A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide
Author: Samantha Power
Publisher: Basic Books
Everyday evil
A review of Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing
Title: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing
Author: James Waller
Publisher: Oxford
Evolution and Evil
A review of Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil
Title: Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil
Author: Cornelius G. Hunter
Publisher: Baker-Brazos Press
God Moments: Why Faith Really Matters to a New Generation
A review
Title: God Moments: Why Faith Really Matters to a New Generation
Author: Jeremy Langford
Publisher: Orbis Books
The Philosophers' Secret Fire: A History of the Imagination
A review
Title: The Philosophers' Secret Fire: A History of the Imagination
Author: Patrick Harpur
Publisher: Ivan R. Dee
Religion's role
A review of When Religion Becomes Evil
Title: When Religion Becomes Evil
Author: Charles Kimball
Publisher: Harper San Francisco

Other Issues


After Words 1 Articles
Books 6 Articles
Changing scenes 1 Articles
Feature articles 3 Articles
Focal point 1 Articles
Perspective 1 Articles
Soundings 1 Articles
Spirit matters 1 Articles
Tool box 1 Articles

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