"People act shocked when the usual crises occur and they have no adequate plan."*
Why? Perhaps it's because of where we as leaders invest our time. Many of us are so focused on deadlines and day-to-day obligations that we never take the time to plan for crises that may or may not take place.
But leaders and boards taking the time to engage in discussion and planning for the future -- including potential crises -- is a critical part of governance work.
A recent article from BoardSource, “Crisis Communications,” brings this home. The article outlines four things to know:
- Expect the unexpected
- Types of crises
- Planning as key
- Addressing the right questions
Not all schools have the same issues to plan for, and not every issue is a crisis! But there are many critical topics that require the engagement of all governance stakeholders including the board, the administration, and the faculty. They include succession planning, financial models, enrollment, social media policies, and more.
Is your board engaging in critical conversations about the future? If you're considering how to incorporate planning for the future in your next board education session, contact the In Trust Center for more information and resources at resources@intrust.org.
If you would like to read the full article, you can download it now from BoardSource.
Check out our webinar library for more information on communication plans. See especially our webinars on Social Media and Institutional Conflict and Social Media in Good Times and Bad.
* The quotation is from Macky Alston, senior vice president at Auburn Seminary, and can be found in "Social Media in Troubled Times."