The salient signs for these times
What are the signs of the times for your theological school?
Image making, red, reach out
William Tabbernee addreses Christa Klein's insights on image making. Neil Blair reflects on resources for fund-raising.
Congregational conflict in context
In a society that has coined phrases such as “in your face” and a time when litigation seems to be the national sport, no one should be surprised that churches, too, are seeing conflict more frequently and more openly expressed. Whether conflict proves a springboard for growth and positive change or the shoals on which a congregation founders depends in part on how the conflict is handled. How is your school preparing graduates to deal effectively with congregational crises?
Confronting all of the priests' losses
Newly minted clergy emerging from seminaries these days find they no longer command the respect that the ordained once did. The increasing secularization of society and widely reported cases of clergy misconduct, particularly sexual misconduct, have made it far more difficult for clergy to win the trust and the attention of those they minister to. Author Donald B. Cozzens calls on his thirty years of experience as a priest, administrator, and spiritual director to offer some suggestions on how Roman Catholic priests in particular might cope effectively with the situation. Prayer and study are at the center of his prescription.
A first-time-ever trustee survey
As the new school year begins, two new endeavors are in process. One is a survey of seminary board members. The other is the transition of the Seminary of the East which will make it part of Bethel Theological Seminary and College. And, of course, a substantial number of new faces are appearing at the top slots of schools around the country.
Inner journey of a woman servant leader
When Leah Fitchue delivered the address from which this piece is taken to the Women in Leadership group at the Association of Theological Schools biennial meeting in Toronto last June, her listeners sat up straighter, realizing that they were hearing an uncommonly truthful presentation. Her take on leadership is intensely personal, but her points likely apply to your context as well.
The spiritualists
A review of Cassadaga: The South’s Oldest Spiritualist Community
Title: Cassadaga: The South’s Oldest Spiritualist Community
Author: John J. Guthrie
Publisher: University of Florida
Going through chaos
A review of Disrupted Lives: How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World
Title: Disrupted Lives: How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World
Author: Gay Becker
Publisher: University of California Press
Seeking God's presence in today's world
A review of How Do We Know When It’s God?
Title: How Do We Know When It’s God?
Author: Dan Wakefield
Publisher: Little Brown
Love's long arm
A review of Love Is Stronger Than Death: The Mystical Union
Title: Love Is Stronger Than Death: The Mystical Union
Author: Cynthia Bourgeault
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Reach out in faith
A review of Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition
Title: Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition
Author: Christine Pohl
Publisher: Eerdmans
Whither exploration?
A review of The Accidental Buddhist
Title: The Accidental Buddhist
Author: Dinty W. Moore
Publisher: Algonquin

Other Issues


Books 6 Articles
Changing scenes 1 Articles
Feature articles 3 Articles
Field notes 1 Articles
Focal point 1 Articles
Perspective 1 Articles
Soundings 1 Articles
Viewpoint 1 Articles

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